Vegan Hemp Protein Superfoods – Benefits of Hemp Protein

Health Benefits and Facts
Made famous for its rope, cloth, and paper, hemp is actually just as useful for your health. The seeds of the plant are ground up into a powder, which can be added to your smoothies for a health boost!
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What is Hemp?
Hemp is a plant grown for its fiber, oil, and seed. It is cultivated throughout the northern hemisphere. Hemp is considered a very “green” plant to cultivate as well, as its dense growth stops weeds from growing and eliminates the need for pesticides. Products from the plant have a variety of uses, including fuel, paper, and resin. And despite its relation to marijuana, hemp has extremely little THC or psychoactive properties. It’s safe for you to enjoy, for the most part.
Different Ways to Use/Consume
There are many different ways to enjoy the health benefits from hemp seeds. The seeds can be ground into meal (which is essentially hemp protein powder), eaten raw, made into a tea, made into hemp milk, or used in baking. Some people make hemp tofu or hemp ice cream. Take a look in your local health foods store, and you’ll be sure to see one hemp product or another.
Hemp powder itself has a rich, nutty taste, and can be used in baked goods or smoothies. Like most health supplement powders, there are endless recipes to use it in online. In a smoothie, mix hemp powder with chocolate, or anything
Average Cost and Best Deals
Hemp protein is fairly affordable to add your diet. You can buy 16 ounces of the powder for about $10, with some variation. Even organic hemp can be bought for $13 a pound.
Health Benefits, Side Effects and Uses of Hemp Powder
Hemp seeds are very high in protein. 100 grams of them contains 73% of your daily required protein, as well as 160% of your daily magnesium, 50% of the daily recommended iron, 77% of the daily recommend zinc, and 3 grams of dietary fiber. All of this protein and nutrient content is easy for your system to digest, due to the easily dissolvable types of protein (globular proteins) in hemp.
However, hemp seeds are also fairly high in fat, as most nuts and seeds are, but its saturated fat is thankfully low. 100 grams of seeds contains 45 grams of fat. Hemp is therefore a source good fats.
Side effects are relatively few with this powder. People with nut or seed allergies should be sure they’re not allergic to it. Some people also may have reactions to the trace amounts of THC, so check with your physician if you’re not feeling your best after trying it out.
Why Hemp Powder?
Hemp has an awesome variety of ways in which you can add the health supplement to your diet. If you choose this supplement, you can have so many dishes without getting bored of the powder! Plus, hemp-powder is easy on your digestion.