Tag: green juice recipe

Natural Solutions for Better Health

Blender Giveaway, giveaway, contest, nutribullet, win a nutribullet, blender giveaway, nutribullet contest,

Super Summer Giveaway Contest 2016 – Win a NutriBullet Rx

Win a NutriBullet Rx 1700 Watt Blender &  Hemps Seeds and Chia Seeds from Truvibe Organics 2016 Super Summer Giveaway Contest Are you ready to get healthy, I know I am. This is the summer to do it, the summer of 2016 is already turning out Epic, why not add a NutriBullet Rx to your…
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What is a High Power Blender? Quick Videos with Short Reviews

This article consists of 9 Short Videos which we conducted at The Daily Vitamin Studio Set, which show you the different types of recipes you can make in your high powered Blendtec – Vitamix – Nutribullet – and – Ninja Blenders. What is a High Powered Blender? If you haven’t heard of high powered blending…
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To Juice, or Not to Juice? Blending vs Juicing – Which is better?

To juice, or not to juice? That is the question. And it’s a question that comes with a surprisingly easy answer: DON’T! WHAT?!  Does that mean I’m telling you fruit and vegetable juices are UNHEALTHY? Of course not! I’m just saying don’t throw out all that fiber! And that’s wherein lies the difference between “juicing”…
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Best Blender Under $200 is the Nutribullet Rx – Here’s Why!

NutriBullet Rx 1700 Watt Blender – Financing available  After running numerous performance tests against the Vitamix, Blendtec, and Ninja blenders; NutriBullet proved that it is worthy of being rated “Best Blender” Under $200. In the Performance tests the NutriBullet blender was able to liquify smoothies and juices equal to the Vitamix and Blendtec, and even WON the Smoothie…
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green smoothies, perfect green smoothie, smoothie, smoothies, green, green juice, blendtec green smoothie vitamix green smoothie, vita mix, blendtech, daily vitamin, smoothie, smoothies, recipes, recipe,

Perfect Green Smoothies and Smoothie Tips – Healthier Smoothies

“Oh man, my Green Smoothie recipes come out horrible, why do I keep making these horrible tasting green smoothies.” Are you having Green Smoothie anixety?  Do your Green Smoothies keep tasting like Green Smoothies?  Well than keep reading! Drinking a green smoothie is the best way to add additional fiber to your diet and a great…
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kale juice, kale juice recipe, pineapple juice, pineapple, kale, juice, juices, blender, vitamix kale juice, vitamix, daily vitamin,

Kale Juice | Dr Oz Cleansing Pineapple Kale Juice Recipe

Kale Juice Developed by Dr.Oz for Oprah magazine, Cleansing Pineapple Kale Juice by Dr. Oz is designed to feed your body enzymes that support the natural function of your organs. Your liver, lungs, kidneys, and colon already work to purify your body of toxins, but you can feed these organs the ingredients they need to…
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green juice, vegetable juice, green drink, dr oz, oz, doctor oz, green juice recipe, green drink recipe, green smoothie, green smoothie recipe,

Dr Oz Green Juice | Green Juice Recipe | Vegetable Juice

One of the best green juice recipes to make, we give the Dr Oz Green Juice a FIVE STAR rating for taste. It’s healthy and taste fantastic and you can make it quickly in a high powered blender. Thanks Dr Oz for the great recipe. Dr Oz Green Juice Recipe The Dr Oz Green Juice…
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dr. oz green juice, doctor oz green juice, doctor oz green smoothie, dr. oz green smoothie, doctor oz, dr. oz, droz, oz, dr oz , green juice, green smoothie, new green juice, new green smoothie,

Green Juice Recipe | Doctor Oz New Green Juice Recipe | Green Smoothie

Green Juice Recipe Dr Oz New Green Juice Recipe is a nutrient-dense new green juice smoothie that is a clear winner if you’re looking for one of the freshest, most nutritious, vitamin-packed drinks out there. Dr. Oz uses some of the best fruits and vegetables for whole body wellness and improved overall health. If you…
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vitamin cocktail, green drink, green smoothie, green juice, vitamix, blendtec, nutribullet, ninja blender, green juice recipe, green smoothie recipe, green drink recipe, dr oz, doctor oz, oz

Vitamin Cocktail | Dr Oz Vitamin Cocktail Green Drink Recipe

Vitamin Cocktail The Dr Oz Vitamin Cocktail Green Smoothie Recipe is great for either adding a new green smoothie to your arsenal of smoothie recipes, or as a cocktail replacement. Particularly for pregnant women who want to skip alcohol at a function or event and fill their (and their baby’s body) with essential vitamins and…
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